When Jim and his sister, Jerylen, called me to discuss the sale of their home that he had lived in for decades, they were anxious but also very nervous. 1340 Ethel Street in Glendale needed work — A LOT OF IT! They felt overwhelmed with what this home needed and were a bit perplexed on what to do.
They turned to me for advice and needed guidance since Jim was on standby to relocate to a senior housing facility (which they were “wait-listed” on) while Jerylen lived quite a distance away and didn’t want to go back and forth figuring things out — especially with all the stuff that Jim had collected in this home throughout all these years.
THE RESULT: I asked them to simply give me the keys and RELAX – the rest was history. As Jim finally made his transition to his next home, we helped them organize a very successful estate sale which had everything cleared out “profitably” with only one weekend. We later were able to track the right buyers who ended up purchasing this home with no hiccups, AS IS, and with no credits. Best of all, this all took place with:
I thank both our buyers and sellers for putting their trust in us and congratulate them on their simultaneous sale and purchase. If you’re curious about how to get similar results, give me a call!
There’s more coming….
; )