After 17 years of selling real estate, the Grand Opening of our new office took place on Thursday, February 27, 2014. When we originally purchased this landmark building, it was an absolute mess. Today, it's a "dream come true"!
After 2 years of complete renovation, we transformed it into our home. We went completely "green" with everything which includes LED lighting throughout, natural light through the entire office along with custom workstations, wet bar and conference areas. Best of all, we're completely paperless now. In addition, clients have the comfort of bringing their kids into as we have an XBox station set up specifically for them!
With 10 televisions throughout, filled with contemporary design and architecture, it's always a pleasure to work and meet out of here. Our soda fountain is always available to our patrons while our beer taps are regulated with adult supervision and for mature adults.
We are only 1 minute away from the freeway, and no more than 10 minutes away from our furthest client. The location that we've moved into is surrounded by many cafes, boutique restaurants, and local merchants that have welcomed us like no other. We look forward to continuing our real estate services out of our new location and welcome you to stop by anytime you're in the area!
3500 North Verdugo Road