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How Would You Like Selling Your Home For Only 4.2% Less Than What You Paid For It In 2008 ??

Are 2012 home prices nearly the same as 2008?


I’m really excited about this recent sale because if you’re familiar with the real estate market (which I’m sure you are), you will realize that it’s not quite the same as it was in 2008. In fact, some areas have been affected by nearly a 50% drop. By coming to Arbitrage, our client was only affected by 4.2%!

At Arbitrage, we believe in maximizing the equity in all our sales. This one was truly rewarding as it saved my clients credit without resorting to a short sale — which seems to be the common “escape route” these days! This home sold for only 4.2% less than what we sold it for in 2008. We helped our seller buy this home when it was one of my listings nearly 4 years ago, and when it came time to sell, we knew we had a challenge ahead of us, and boy did our approach pay off for a seller that put 100% of their confidence in us. To top it off, it was located just a few houses North of Glenoaks — just inside Rossmoyne!


Just like any other transaction with higher lending and appraising standards, we had challenges, but we fought and won each one. Who would you like on your side with your next purchase or sale?

Thanks again for helping us with another Record Sale!


p.s. we found the buyer right smack in the middle of the holiday season too! So much for the excuse that “people don’t buy during the holidays — blah blah blah….”

; )